Nkamoheleng Tekela

Corporate Administrator

More About Me:

Overviews & Experience

Corporate Administrator

Nkamoheleng offers assistance with corporate governance matters in Lesotho including company registrations, changes in directors, share transfers and allotments, VAT and PAYE registration, tax clearance certificates, trade license applications, and filing of annual reports/returns. She also manages filing and amendments of Articles of Incorporation.

Areas of Expertise
Corporate Law

Nkamoheleng completed a Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology and Criminology from the University of the Free State.  She assists in the Criminal Law Department. 

Nkamoheleng assists in the corporate department. She is also passionate about social justice and assist with corporate social responsibility in Lesotho.  She provides assistance to underprivileged girls including computer literacy skills, assistance with self-care packages and toiletries. 


  • Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology and Criminology (University of the Free State)  

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