The Legal Status of Cryptocurrency in Lesotho
Author: Zurayda Mayet In Lesotho, cryptocurrency and other virtual assets are largely unregulated. However, a closer examination of the legal framework suggests that while cryptocurrency
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Author: Zurayda Mayet In Lesotho, cryptocurrency and other virtual assets are largely unregulated. However, a closer examination of the legal framework suggests that while cryptocurrency
Lesotho’s Disability Rights Act aims to domesticate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), thereby preventing discrimination and upholding the fundamental freedoms of
Directors play a pivotal role in guiding a company’s strategic direction and ensuring compliance with legal and ethical standards. In Lesotho, the Companies Act (2011) defines the
In Lesotho, every registered company is legally required to submit annual returns to the Companies Registry. This process is not merely an administrative formality but a key
Lesotho’s employment landscape has undergone significant reforms with the introduction of the New Labour Act. Aimed at improving working conditions, clarifying employer obligations, and safeguarding employee
A Shareholders Agreement is a vital legal document that can save your company from internal disputes and financial setbacks. In Lesotho, understanding and implementing a
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Introduction In commercial transactions, creditors often rely on collateral to secure their lending. Despite its frequency, there remains significant confusion around the different types of security used in such arrangements. One of
In Lesotho, sublease agreements are crucial for regulating the temporary use and enjoyment of property between a Sublessor (Landlord) and a Sublessee (Tenant). However, many people are unaware
The Business Licensing and Registration Act (BLRA) was introduced in Lesotho to streamline the registration and licensing of businesses, promote transparency, and
INTRODUCTION In an effort to facilitate the growth of Lesotho’s private sector and enhance its participation in domestic consumer imports, the implementation committee on customs
Mayet & Associates has contributed to the latest edition of the ENS Africa Regulatory Round Up pertaining to Lesotho. Click hereto read more https://www.ensafrica.com/uploads/1-pagers/africa-regulatory-roundup/ens-africa-regulatory-roundup.html
The long awaited Workman’s Compensations Regulations have been passed. The Workmen’s Compensation Regulations 2024 Workmen’s compensation is a concept that mandates compensation for workmen who
Lesotho Medicines and Medical Devices Control Authority Act 2023 Lesotho is among 12 African countries that adopted and implemented the African Union Model Law on
The New Labour Act in Lesotho We are honoured to be invited to contribute to the ENSafrica website. Click here to read about Lesotho’s new
Lesotho Minimum Wage Update 2024 The Minister of Labour & Employment in Lesotho has issued the latest directive pertaining to the minimum wage in the
A Comprehensive Look at the Administration of Estates & Inheritance Act Introduction The Administration of Estates & Inheritance Act 2024 is a long-awaited legislative reform that
Termination of an employee’s employment for operational reasons is called a retrenchment. Three main reasons may bring about such a termination/dismissal: fiscal strains on the
Introduction On 24 December 2021, Lesotho enacted its Science and Technology Act, ushering in a new era of innovation and economic growth. This Act arrived
As a proclaimed state, Lesotho is empowered by the Master of the High Court of South Africa to dissolve moveable and immovable assets present in
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